To the left is my latest and to the right is one month ago. I am now 7 months pregnant. My waist is 45 inches around at the biggest point! Wow, now that's something to be proud of! (I guess)
Matt has informed me I breathe rather loudly now and I suppose that might be because I have two babies taking up all the room where my lungs (and stomach and intestines) used to reside.
Another photo next month!
Note** I know my face looks quite red in the first pic but that would be due to Matt taking the photo from a laying down position. He had decided it would be fun to take some pics from underneath my belly looking up. No one will EVER see those ones, seriously, it's wrong...
YEAH...You go girl with you and your awesome belly, are you going to have them early? What's the deal with twins and expecting dates?
I hit my 7th month mark too. My problem is my ginormous boobs choke me when I sleep...they get all up in my grill and I have to push them down when I lay down. So I am having issues breathing also. Sooo lame, but Jim is having a hay day. Boys and their toys.
It's amazing what our bellies can do. I love pregnant bellies, as long as I am not looking at myself pregnant, then I am mostly thinking what in the crap happened here, oh must have been the candy bar a day that made that happen.
Wow is all I can say you look fantastic.
Oh my heck... you are rather large... and I say that because you know I love you. :)
Wow! How are you feeling? You do look great! I keep thinking about your up coming adventure and just sit back and marvel.
How are you even able to stand upright?!??