So, new Blog template... new look. Hope you like it!
Since the babies were born, I have been noticing that Jenny and I are communicating much more effectively as of late. Fewer brawls... I know this is a strange thing to proclaim to the wide world of web, but it is true nonetheless. I like Jenny more lately. Maybe it is because she just gave me two beautiful children, or maybe because she looks smoking hot after three weeks, or maybe she is making all my favorite dishes which I immensely enjoy. It could be a combination of all those things, but the more I really think about it, it comes down to one thing...
I think after 11 years she might actually be getting it. Or maybe something popped in her brain while pushing out those kids... I don't know.
I think she is finally realizing I am a dude and I don't think like her.
Example #1-- When we were in the hospital, I told her over and over that she needed to tell me "EXACTLY" what she wanted. Don't beat around the bush. Don't make me guess. Just tell me how it is, with no pork attached. If she needed water, she would say "I need water", and I happily retrieved a cup of the most delicious water I could find. She didn't smack her lips like she was parched hoping I would figure out how she was feeling about being dehydrated and then get her water. I would fail every one of those tests. She is just telling me exactly what she wants/needs. Our communication is continuing along this path and I think we are both happier.
Example #2-- She doesn't get mad or her feelings hurt when I do the same as she in #1. As a guy, I sometimes blurt out what I am thinking without much thought of repercussion. Many tell me that I am pretty bad at this and she is a saint for putting up with me. But I think she is really figuring it out! When I say things in guy language, she is able to un-emotionally decipher what it is I am communicating, still realizing I love her, and then we get stuff done! It is awesome and, trust me, it hasn't always been this way.
So how did we get to this state of communication bliss?
Who knows... We just say it how it is. We don't play emotional guessing games hoping the other spouse can solve the riddle. We just communicate.
Or maybe she blew an emotional gasket during labor...
I like the new look of your blog- cute babies!
It took Jeff and I years in the communication area too- it is so nice to actually get along.
We are worlds better than when we first got hitched, so hopefully in another few it will be even better.
Love the pic!
Heard the babies are adorable.
Have you been talking to my husband?
And I do like the new blog look. Simple, yet refined.