Some people don't get it. They don't understand what facebook is. Or what the purpose is. It is where we publish superficial tidbits about our lives for those around us. That's it. Girls night out is a better place to discuss the disfunctionalities of our lives. Not the world wide web. I sometimes wonder if some people realize anyone could be reading their comments...
So I wrote a list to help. Here it is. Take it or leave it.
1. Thou shalt not whine.
OK. We all have bad days. Crappy things happen. Fine, tell us. We're your friends and we want to know. This is for those people who continually post their woe-is-me status updates day after day after day... you know the type.
2. Thou shalt not publish thy dirty laundry.
Facebook is not the place to tell the world about the fight you're having with your husband. Period. Call your therapist.
3. Thou shalt not call names.
Are we really in Junior High again? C'mon. (Of course, name calling in jest or when funny is acceptable, but if you're not sure, don't do it)
4. Thou shalt not publish your bedroom escapades.
Need I go into this one?
5. Thou shalt attempt humor once in a while.
Now I am neither funny nor witty, but I try. In this arena, go for it. The standard "I went to the park. I love chocolate. I am a mom. I work at Zions Bank.." Boring. Jazz it up a little. Give it a whirl. With practice, you may become that funny person you always wanted to be.
6. Thou shalt publish a variety of topics.
At the risk of offending someone, I have some friends who post about the same thing every day. I don't even read their posts anymore. Move along. Next subject.
7. Thou shalt comment on other statuses.
You don't have to comment on everyone. But some statuses sometimes. We all like to be acknowledged. It only takes a minute so just do it.
8. Thou shalt use caution in publishing personal information.
This is the world wide web. Be smart. No phone number or address listings.
9. Thou shalt have a facebook account if your kids do.
Now this is mainly for parents of teenagers. Just another way to spy on your kids. Don't act like you don't want to.
10. Thou shalt not accept all friend requests.
This is more of a rule than a commandment. It's OK to say no. You don't know the person? You don't like them? Say no. It's all right.
So there it is. I got that off my chest. Whew. I feel better now.
I need to become friends with some of your FB friends, I think I would have more fun checking facebook :) and now I know I have to TRY and be funny every once in a while. Good to know.
Good commandments. I will try to obey. I can't believe how big your babies are already, btw. Reading your blog/facebook always makes me miss Sandy. Tell everyone hey in case I don't get the chance.
Number nine is the reason I have mine. As for funny just look at my profile picture.
What a GREAT post. But I do admit that the pressure is on for the status quotes. I'm a little scared I'm not up to par: just not funny enough. j/k
I hope my status' aren't one of those that have offended you. I agree, there are some friends I have deleted because I was tired of their whining or day to day playbooks. This is great advice for all of us.
I don't even know you, but I felt I should leave a comment...I SO TOTALLY AGREE! I wish I was your friend on FB so I could read your status updates.
(I am Emily Sorensens SIL...I think I have met you before. I was reading Em's blog and saw your update and I was intrigued)
Maybe I can be funny... thanks for the encouragement... and AMEN for everything else.
Don't you just love blog hoppers? :)
Jen, I love reading your blog, you and Matt are funny, insightful, creative, etc. I enjoyed your commandments, hopefully I can live and keep them.