I chose Brigham Young for my book report because I thought he must be pretty cool if he got such an awesome school named after him. So in my book report I've got three main topics, which I would like to share with you. Those topics are: facts about his family, why he is famous, I think he's awesome because... So sit back, relax, and enjoy my boring book report.
As stated above, my first reason is facts about his family. So here is a couple weird and wacky reasons about his family. First of all he was the ninth child. It probably wasn't unnatural back then but now it sure is. But if want to hear an even crazier thing about his family, stick around. Second of all, he was pretty much raised by his older 14 year old sister. If his parents weren't so busy he'd probably have been raised by them. Last but not least, he had 27 wives throughout his life. But in the meantime he had 57 kids! No, the last two sentences weren't typos. Can't say I didn't warn you!
My second topic isn't so wacked. All I'm going to write in this paragraph is why he's famous. He is famous because he is the second LDS prophet. Oh, by the way, I'm mormon. So he's kind of a big deal to me. But probably the biggest reason is because he led the Mormons west. Soooo... onto paragraph number four.
For my last topic I'm supposed to write if I like him, so I'm going to tell you why I like Brigham Young. My first reason is probably really obvious (if you know me well :)). It's because of BYU. My all-time favorite school, ever. My last reason is because Brigham Young sets a great example for the rest of us. He kept on trying to get the Mormons to a safe place while being chased by mobs, he got really sick, and just still kept trying.
Sweet, I'm nearly done. So far this ultra boring book report about Brigham Young turned out to be pretty boring, right? So, for you late-comers I'm going to skim over what I wrote. OK? Good. So I wrote some facts about his family, why he's famous and why I think he's awesome. So, peace out, scouts. Baker. Over and out.
Wow! He totally has the 5 paragraph essay down! I was not in the least bored.
Laughing out loud and loving the whole thing. Good thing you documented this--great for when he is older. Seriously wonderful--and I learned something new!
Pure awesomeness!
Hilarious. I now know where he comes from.