I am not sure what this post is all about... Something has been bugging me and I have a lot to say, but I am not sure how to put it all together, so here it goes.
The boys and I had a date night last night while Jenny attended a number of her volunteer Sandy City Meetings. We went out to dinner to Isaac's favorites restaurant, The Chinese Gourmet. We hung out and talked, punched, and laughed... what boys do. We then went to the Hansen Planetarium and enjoyed some time together. It was great. OK, I got the pics out of the way...
Although I thoroughly enjoy spending time with my boys, have you noticed how much kids today need to be entertained all the time? In many homes, the TV is always on. The game consoles are the new babysitters. Much activity is limited to time on the couch. Yes, there has been much progress in technology, but is it really progressive? Kids are fatter, parents are lazier, and imaginations are being dulled to the point of non-existence. Constant, flashy entertainment is the only thing that keeps kids (and many adults) engaged anymore. This is the real result of technological progress.

Where do the kids learn this trait anyway? What do parents do when they come home from work? How are our evenings spent as parents? Do we just watch TV when our children are awake? Do we watch TV throughout the day? Is the TV constantly on filling the sound void in our homes? Or are we playing with our kids and stimulating their minds and imaginations?
When I was young, I would leave the house in the morning and come back in the evening. Normally, my parents had no idea whether I was coming or going. We were thrilled with playing army with sticks, playing a pick up game of hoops, or anything else OUTSIDE. I was friends with all the kids in the neighborhood and we were always spending time together. WE CREATED FUN! We didn't have to have it spoon fed to us.
Do your kids need to be spoon fed fun? Mine sometimes do... and that drives me crazy.
I think today we are regressing.
Sure, the TV shows are "awesome" (that is a whole other post) and the XBOX games are super realistic, but let's stop handicapping our childrens' imaginations by allowing all of these restrictive sources do the thinking for them. Let's turn off our TV. Limit "screen" time as my wife calls it. Make the kids get off the couch, and who knows, maybe we could get off the couch as well! Get the kids outside. Let them run around. Let's not just turn on a cartoon for the kids so "we can get something done!" No more TV babysitting! I think we need to force our kids to come out of their creative coma by making them do something imaginative. I believe when we do this and the kids start relying on their own imaginations for entertainment, it will not only stimulate activity, but when the kids aren't watching TV, they won't need to be spoon fed fun by us! Ultimate parental bliss.
Let's regress together with some tough creative love!
I know things won't ever be the same as when I was younger, but if things are going to "progress" in this technological direction, well, as for me and my house, we aren't going quietly. I am lucky to have such an awesome wife who leads the way in this philosophical battle.
I hate this too! My oldest has a bit of a problem with wanting someone to entertain him. My solution is that if you tell mom you're bored, she gives you a chore. This seems to stimulate the old imagination!
The 5 year old has no problem entertaining himself...in fact, when it's just him and I home (is that right?) I sometimes have to check on him to make sure he's still around. He is always just happily involved in his own little world.
In conclusion: TV and video games=bad
Sending them outside and locking the door=good
The end.
We always struggle with this, but since I have been home schooling it has gotten so much better. A lot of her lessons involve being outside in God's Creation and we have been turning off the TV more and more. I do not have any game systems in my house except the V-smile and that lately has rarely been played. I go crazy with quiet, but I have been trying really hard instead of having the TV on in the background I have music playing- it gets my but moving too dancing around the house.
I could go on and on- I had the same child life as you. Hey half of it was spent in Woodruff on the good old Orton Farm! You had to think of fun things to do or you would go crazy. We were always outside.
I am looking forward to the warmer weather when I will want to be doing even more outside myself!
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Amen! Now how to get the rest of the parents in the world to read your blog?!
Oh and we learned by cutting off the cable and having a 13 inch tv with bad reception really helps with the having the TV on thing!!
AMEN! I am determined to have the TV on for an hour per day when I have children. Maybe a half hour here and a half hour there. There are so many other things that can be more fun than looking at a screen and shooting people with the paddle in your hand. Lame.