As a brand-new mom I thought spanking was something of the past. It was something from back in the day. I was an enlightened and time-out savvy parent and I would never, ever spank my child. Not a problem. I had Alex. He was so tender hearted and wanted to please. Just a cross look or telling him he had done something "naughty" was enough to reduce him to tears. And they weren't just for show. He was really and truly sorry for whatever he had done wrong.

So all of my Parenting magazine tips were working. We did time-outs and took away privileges and I was sailing through motherhood following all of the latest advice to the letter.
Enter Isaac.

Isaac started testing his limits the minute he could move; maybe before. Isaac would run away from me in the grocery store without looking back and then hide in the clothes rack while I shouted his name. It seemed the madder I was, the funnier he thought it was. And the boy was only 1, you cannot reason with a one-year-old, you cannot cajole, threaten, or bribe. I was fighting a losing battle.
Then he started doing things that were just plain dangerous: i.e. run away from me in parking lots, hit other children with toys, refuse to get in his car seat... It was getting to the point that he was going to get himself killed or I was going to do the job for him. I'm sure you can all think of politically correct methods for dealing with each of these behaviors; believe me when I say I think I tried them all. One day, in sheer frustration, I spanked Isaac.
He was appalled. He cried and cried. But. The next time he was doing something all I had to do was threaten to spank him and he immediately stopped! I was amazed. After all my miserable attempts to get him to listen to me, to get him to mind, I had found it- a way that worked.
I know some of you out there are shaking your heads in disbelief that I could be so cruel. I know some of you are judging me. That's fine. I did it. I did it more than once. However, I am now happy to report Isaac is a happy and loving 5 year old who no longer requires "corporal punishment". Now we just have to take away the chocolate ice cream to get cooperation.
Personally, I think I'd rather be spanked.
That is my story... What's yours?
No ifs, ands, or butts about it! Spank away!
You go girl. I am all about a swat. Each one of my angels has had their bumms hit. I know hard to believe. Ha Ha!
I have been there, but mine was with my first child- my second is like Issac. It has only happened a few times, but it was effective. You are right after one time they are so shocked all you have to do in the future is threaten.
That is another thing I am a firm believer on... never threaten something you will no carry through- they will test you on it!
I don't Judge you :)
First of all - I love that picture of Isaac. Perfect for the story.
I once wrote a paper on spanking. I think my opinion has changed since then, though. While I think that spanking shouldn't be the first and certainly not the only resolution to bad behavior, sometimes it's definitely needed. Every child is different.
And I agree with Heather 100% on following through on everything you say. The teacher of that class I wrote the paper told us the key to parenting: You mean what you say, say what you mean, and you do whatever it is you say you're going to do. I believe her.
Lone rock is just off I-80 2 miles west of Saltair on the way out to Tooele. It is right off the beach of the Great Salt Lake. Like I said we drive past it a ton- and we just finally decided to pull over and check it out.
I think the biggest key to parenting is understanding that each child is different. So I have no idea what I am in for! Once you figure out what works for them and you,as a mom, feel good about it then you've covered a huge hurdle.
And I agree with Heidi--perfect picture. Also always following through with what you say--good or bad. My mom always taught us that--no empty threats!