Today was a pretty normal day. Nothing special, just work, work, and some more work. As evening rolled around, I found myself ready to engage the kids, go shoot some hoops, read some Potter, you know, wind the day down with some fun.
Well, Jenny had other plans. She wanted to go have some Jenny kind of fun. She wanted to go ...
Shopping isn't fun. It BLOWS. There is nothing that can ever be good about shopping. In Jenny's defense, she "says" she doesn't love to go grocery shopping, but I can sense a sort of satisfaction in her voice any time she gets to go to WalMart without kids.
What is it about shopping that you ladies LOVE? What is it about spending hard earned money on things that you don't need? Why do you enjoy "wasting" (my word, not yours) so much time going to the malls when you could be doing something useful or productive? Do you really need another pair of shoes so you have one for every day of the month? Or another "cute" outfit as if the 40 other cute outfits in your closet aren't enough? Is it therapeutic? Is it an obsession? Or is it all of the above.
I am fortunate that Jenny isn't a shopper like some of her friends but given an unlimited budget, she very well could be. She has huge potential! :)
When Jenny suggested going to the store, the boys and I staged a protest. Jenny rebutted that if we ever wanted to eat again we would get in the car. The boys folded like a piece of paper. I was able to sweet talk Jenny into letting us stay home though, and we enjoyed a night of hoops, books, and treats. And Jenny enjoyed WalMart, alone. Everybody is happy!
I guess the boys and I dodged the bullet AND we will eat again!
I am not a big shopper myself. This is not to say that I can't spend some money on things I don't need, but I usually just see things in my travels that call to me and make me want them. I don't seek them out.
But listen, I would use anything as an excuse to have some time away from the kids, so if shopping is where I have to go to get that time...then shopping I will go.
I HATE Grocery shopping- and especially if the kids are around. I always save my grocery shopping trips until Jeff is home so I can actually go down an aisle without being asked for something.
As for shopping at the mall or somewhere like that- no thanks it was fun when I was 15- now not so much.
With an endless budget, I think anyone would like shopping, men included. But who has one of those these days. Have you noticed the economy lately?!! Anyway I would let Tim sweet talk me into going grocery shopping by myself anyday. Robby + confinement in a cart===frustrated mommy.