Yesterday was the best day in a long, long time! I took the boys on a bike ride down on the Jordan Parkway by way of all the playgrounds along the way. We had a great time! The sun was shining and we didn't have to wear coats while we were playing. Hallelujah, Spring may actually be coming.
For those of you living out of state it has been a very cold and gray winter. We here in Utah are ready for Spring (and have been for at LEAST a month or two). We got a glimpse of things to come yesterday. Seriously, I felt so happy to feel the sun on my face. I know it sounds cheesey but it's true.
OK. So back in the day- like elementary day- I was awesome at flipping around on the bars you see Alex hanging from. I would put one leg over the bar, hook my foot behind my other knee and flip around like a kajillion times in a row. It was rad! So yesterday at the park (you know where this is going) my sister and I decided to see it we still had it. I amazed my children and sister when I was able to flip around 3 times in a row. You had to have been there, it was truly something to behold. This morning I woke up and realized my leg was a little sore. I took a look and this is what I saw:
Apparently some things work better when you're 8 years old and 60 pounds.
I used to be awesome at that trick too! and pennydrops. Did you do those?
I wouldn't dare try it now!
I was showing off last summer for the boys and attempted a cart wheel. Even that simple trick left me with a pulled muscle in my leg that hurt for a week.
My body is old, but my spirit is still totally young. Sad.
Yeah-I tried that a couple of years didn't work out so well. Let's just say I'll probably never try again!
That is hilarious--such a testamant to the fact that no matter how young we feel, our body doesn't. But at least you earned the bruise--3 in a row, amazing!
Hey Jen,
Pretty sweet bruise, but you get an "A" for trying!
Ouch- well at least it only looks like it hurts, and you had fun earning it!