I don't know why we EVER set the clocks ahead in the Fall. It is so much nicer to have more daylight and more outside frolic time. Spring is much more a reality after daylight savings sets in.
The kids haven't been in the house at all over the last 48 hours. Football throwing, hoops shooting, tramp jumping have all been reintroduced overnight. This is all SO much better for them then being cooped up in the house all the time. Not to mention it is also nice for me and Jenny to not have them constantly under foot all the time... We just send them outside and let nature be the babysitter.

CHURCH, however, is a different story.

Jenny and I shot six wedding over the last two days. All of them went wonderfully, but we were beat by the time Saturday night rolled around. We made it through one American Idol and then, what is usually a 12:30/1:00 am bedtime, quickly morphed into an 11:00 bed time collapse. When the alarm went off at 7:00 AM (now 8) to get up for church, I might have cursed the daylight savings adjustment a time or two, but now, with the warm temperature and longer, sunnier day, I am recovering nicely.

One more thing: Shane and I were walking to our cars after church and his little one, after gnawing on a granola bar, had a sneezing attack. The pic below is the result. Some kids have great aim!
I feel it's a bit of a scam the changing the clocks and all..
but I am glad the summer is near. and that means the river is near!! I haven't worked up that whole tagging thing. just because Kate tagged the same people i would tag..
ahhh I miss Shane.. how are they doing?
anyway! keep up the bloggin! and try and not overdose on the American Idol, it may cause headaches! that's what I heard. (and it's killing us in ratings.)